I get asked a lot of questions. There are some that get asked over and over again. These would be them…

Q: SEQUELS??? Will there be a sequel to…?

Jamie Baker: The Jamie Baker series is a trilogy. Reading Order: Being Jamie Baker, More Than Jamie Baker, and Remember Jamie Baker. This series is complete!

Supernaturals: The Supernaturals series has a planned 4 books. Reading Order: Chameleon, Ungifted, Scion, Priestess. Priestess is currently on pause due to some illness on my part and lack of sales for this series. (I am a full-time author. This job is the sole income for my family of six. I can only keep writing as long as books sell. This series doesn’t sell so Priestess is my lowest priority. I pick it up from time to time but it will be a long time before it ever gets finished. Sorry!)

V is for Virgin: V is for Virgin is a 2 book series. Reading Order: V is for Virgin, A is for Abstinence. This duet is complete.

The Science Squad: The Science Squad Series is currently a 2 book series. Reading order The Avery Shaw Experiment, The Libby Garrett Intervention. There is a possibility of more Science Squad books in the future, but I have no official information on that at this time.

Serial Hottie: This is a stand-alone. Love these guys to death, but have no plans to continue their story.

Cinder & Ella: Cinder & Ella is a 2 book series. Reading Order: Cinder & Ella, Happily Ever After. This duet is complete.

Q: AUDIO BOOKS??? Will more of my books come out in audio?

A: You can check out my audio titles HERE. I currently have no plans in the works for any titles not listed.

Q: Will you make movies out of your books?

A: Working on it! My agents are hard at work shopping my titles around Hollywood. Currently I have optioned the film rights for Cinder & Ella and have a producer working to get Girl at Heart picked up. This doesn’t guarantee the books will actually be made into films, but it’s a huge first step. Fingers crossed and I’ll definitely let you guys know if/when I have more news.

Q: Foreign languages! Will my books come out in your language? 

A: I am represented by Meire Dias of Bookcase Literary for all of my foreign publishing. She is currently working hard to get my books translated into as many languages as possible. I’ll keep you posted as more languages are added.

Current languages with KO publications: English, Romanian, Czech, Polish, Russian, Dutch, Spanish, Hungarian, Turkish, Portuguese, Macedonian, Thai, Korean.

Q: Will you co-write another book in the future?

A: Honestly, I don’t know. Jonathan and I enjoyed the process, but we like working on our own projects better. We’ll see.

Q: Do you have ARC/review copies available of your books?

A: digital review copies are available upon request for any book review bloggers, vlogers, podcasters, media people, foreign publishers, movie producers, etc. Email me at kellyoramwrites@gmail.com

Q: Will I read/review/critique your book/manuscript?

BETA READING: People occasionally ask me to read and give feedback to their works-in-progress. As much as I wish I could help, I simply don’t have the time. Try the Query Tracker forums, or other websites like it if you’re looking for a beta-reading partner. Or join a writing group! Those have always been my best source when seeking critique partners.

BOOK REVIEWS: I read a lot. I’m always looking for something good to read. If you have a book you’d like me to read, by all means send me the summary/link. I never promise to read/review a book, but if I have time and the summary catches my interest I might pick it up. I don’t review everything I read, but I do tend to gush about books I love on my social media. If I don’t like the books I read or don’t think they’d be a good fit for my audience, I simply won’t say anything.

Q: Do you do cross promotion with other authors? 

I love working with other authors when I have time. 🙂 If you have something in mind, or want to come up with something together, give me a shout!

29 thoughts on “FAQ’s

  1. I remember your books from somewhere!! I have kindle unlimited and got to read Jamie Baker and V is for Virgin. They were SUPER FAMILIAR. Were you on fictionpress before?


  2. OMG. I thought I would wait forever for Jamie Baker. I just love that book. Thank you so much Kelly! I’ve read most of the books. You’re too awesome.


  3. WOOO! Jamie 3, yesss. I hope you’ve been getting better, health comes first. But OMG I’m so excited for Jamie Baker. I fangirl to my friends about this series like crazy. Can’t wait 🙂


    • Yeah, working on the health thing, but it feels good to have Jamie 3 done. I think you guys will be happy too. I’m excited with the finished product. I don’t know if you saw on Facebook, I don’t think this has been updated yet, but there is an official release date of June 10th. And there’s a Facebook release party too. It’s pinned to the top of my Facebook page. I’ll go update this page right now.


    • I honestly have no idea. It’s now going to be 5 books instead of 4, and the book 4 is now going to be from a different character’s perspective. I just had to scrap 50k and start over. I’ll work on it as fast as I can, but it’s going to be a while.


  4. I know you’re really busy with the supernatural series and making sure you are in good health but I have read all your books multiple times (I’m slightly obsessed lol) is it possible that you could write the cinder chronicles that Ella and Brian love so much? So of your books do intermix. The main concern though is that you are healthy.


  5. Loved the books I’ve read and went searching for the cinder chronicles because they’re mentioned in Both books I’ve read but they don’t exist yet 😦 would they be a future project?

    Thank you for sharing your imagination and talent with us its a pleasure to read your words 🙂


  6. Hey I just finished Serial Hottie right before Christmas and I kept on reading over and over. I hope u can make a sequel out of this book too.


  7. Hi Kelly! You’ve made me addicted to your books since the moment I started Cinder & Ella!
    I have now read twelve of them in 24 days!
    Just finished Scion this morning and CAN’T WAIT for Priestess!
    As impatient as I am to have my hands on the fourth book, I am thrilled to know there is a fifth one planned…


  8. I recently bought Cinder & Ella on Audible and loved it so I went looking for more. Sadly it was all alone. I was wondering if some of your other books are going to be recorded? Reading a physical book will never loose it’s charm but I have small children so listening to someone else read while I do the dishes is as close as I get these days. Thank you for choosing to write.


  9. I’ve read most of your books and I’m obsessed! Seriously I’ve read Cinder and Ella 11 times. I hope your feeling better. I was wondering when the release for HEA was going to be?


  10. I would love to have more Cinder & Ella books. I picked up the first and stayed up all night readinfg, then devoured the 2nd the next day. I would really like books/storirs for some of the other characters too (Scott and Juliette especially) where we can still see Brian & Ella.


  11. Kelly, You are my favorite author and my absolute number one inspiration in writing. I stumbled across your books by accident when I downloaded the first of the Jamie Baker series for free on I tunes; and since then I’ve read them over and over again . I would really like hard copies of your books but I can’t find them in any store. You are my absolute idol and I would really like to own your books. Especially since I tunes took your books off of the library, and I have no way of reading them now.


  12. hello I know that you have had many health problems, however I would like to know when the last book of supernaturals (the priestess), we are many fans who are waiting for the book, although it is not the series with more success, we are many readers waiting.
    Excuse me, I’m learning English


  13. Thank you so much for writing Cinder & Ella, Kelly. Whilst what I’ve been through in the last year and a half has some significant differences to what Ella went through (namely my immediate family is awesome, supportive & all alive thankfully), I have had to deal with becoming disabled too following a health condition I developed & also currently have to walk with a stick.

    The doctors hope I might improve some at least but they don’t really know if I will, when or by how much. When I became disabled two of my then best friends and my then boyfriend couldn’t handle the limitations my health situation created and are no longer in my life, so, like Ella, I understand what it’s like to feel that your health situation has changed how people see you. Although again like Ella eventually has Vivian, Juliette and Rob, I am blessed in having some incredible people in my life who have stood by me.

    Reading about how Cinder saw Ella made me cry in the best way and it was incredibly impactful way for me to be reminded by reading your story that being damaged doesn’t make me less beautiful. I don’t carry much in the way of physical scars, but, like Ella, I have had problems walking, almost falling multiple times and having to use a stick and gaining weight from being less able to be active has caused me to be more self-conscious than I used to be about how I look, because sometimes it feels like the first thing anyone notices about me now is my disability and I’m constantly being asked questions about what it is & why by a lot of people, including people I barely know. I live on a daily basis with both pain and a loss of function in most of my limbs that even after a year and a half I still don’t feel entirely used to having.

    It’s been tremendously empowering for me to read a story with a brave, snarky, clever, sweet and funny disabled female protagonist, who is so much more than just her disability and I guess I really just wanted to say thank you for sharing this story with the world. I’m really grateful to both you and God for this story existing and for God having used this story to touch my heart so profoundly. I think it’s my new favourite story! I pray that your health is doing better, but that God blesses you regardless and really gives you a sense of the good that your work is doing out in the world. Many thanks, Miriam


  14. I read somewhere that the next supernaturals book was going to be from Ethans POV. Is this true? If so I’m super excited. Ethan and Grace are my absolute favorite characters. I am literally addicted to them🤓🤓🤓


  15. I love the series ‘Supernatural’ and am hanging out to read Pristess. I was wondering how long you think it might be until Pristess is released?


  16. Hey when are you going to complete Supernaturals book 4 and 5? I’ve been waiting for quite a while but they are nowhere to be seen.


  17. I’ve got a question. After reading both Cinder & Ella and V is for Virgin, I asked myself which story you came up first with. The reason is that I noticed Cinder & Ella has some obvious references to V is for Virgin, even though V is for Virgin was released later (I haven’t read A is for Abstinence yet because it’s not available in my country yet.) Maybe it’s just coincidence, but I simply wondered.


  18. I just wanted to say that I love the Supernaturals series so much!!! I first read it back in 2015, and I’ve reread it numerous times since. Lol. I really hope to see the fourth book some time in the near future, but no pressure! I’m a writer too (albeit a fanfic one), and I know how stressful it is for readers to be constantly begging for more. I cannot wait to see how the future will unfold for all the characters, especially my favorites. I don’t read original stories often, but this is one which I always come back to, time and again. I really, really hope that I’ll see the next book soon, but as long as it’s written eventually, I’ll be patient! 🙂 The best books are worth waiting for.


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